The Miracle Maker

We often read and hear about how God is a miracle-working God.


We often hear the stories of others who have experienced God move amazingly on their behalf in the most wild & unexpected ways.


These things are wonderful and they encourage our Christian faith so much…

Yet and still, there’s nothing quite like experiencing a miracle for yourself.

Nothing really compares to seeing God DO something for you that is next to (or actually fits the bill of being) impossible.


I’m talking about, “Umm…There’s no way THAT will happen unless God moves heaven and earth to do it” kinda impossible.


These moments allow us to see a whole new measure of the LORD’s goodness and sovereignty for us.


Miracles are meant to leave us in awe of how big God is and to show us that nothing is ever too hard for Him, even when it is for us.


Our Learning Center recently experienced a miracle.


A really huge one at that!


We saw God’s favor and heart for us in the year 2020, and going into 2021, in the form of a new location and place to call home.


Amidst the Covid-19 epidemic, the Son’s Children has been blessed to keep its doors open to serve our parents and students.


So, when it came time to move for a new location, we needed God to show up for us in a really big way.


& He did NOT disappoint.


In fact, He went beyond our expectations and opened doors for us that could only be explained as, well, a miracle.




If you’ve already visited our new location, then you know exactly what I mean.


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