The letter below went out to Parents/Guardians/Staff on March 31, 2020
Dear Family,
By the Grace of God, we are here to serve children and their families in this difficult time. Our plans are to assist Governor Ducey and the state of Arizona by caring for the children of our first responders and essential business workers.
Many things have been taken from us during this pandemic (our entertainment, health, sports, income, and for some life); furthermore, the Coronavirus is changing everyday life for all of us. Yet what can remain strong is our faith and our family. We want to encourage you to be:
Prayerful, Hopeful, Careful
Our faith can be our foundation. I really appreciate and consider the following words that God continues to speak directly into the hearts of his people. When you go through deep waters, I will be with you.
When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown.
Do not be afraid, for I am with you.
For I am about to do something new.
(Isaiah 43:2a, 5a, 19a)
If we can pause and be prayerful to our Great God; because we know that he can meet us in our pain and provide a way out of any difficulty. While seeking God, he often shows us “something new” and provides us with a hopeful vision for our future.
Finally, we want to be careful with the health and safety of everyone at our Learning Center, therefore we are checking the temperature of everyone who will pass through our building (staff and children). We will continue to seek guidance from federal, state and local government agencies on how to serve our community through this pandemic.
There will be better days ahead,
Austin Willard